What to Consider When Setting Writing Goals

Setting writing goals within the context of that go-get-em’ New Year’s attitude can sometimes result in something unsustainable, or include benchmarks that aren’t all that realistic. Here are some tips to consider when ironing out this goal of yours to help make your goal more achievable.

Types of Editing 2.0

Depending on the editor you ask, where said editor works, and how they edit, you might get slightly different answers around the types of editing. To make things simple, I’m going to look at the four types you’re likely to come across in your editing journey.

Hyphens, Em Dashes, En Dashes, and Ellipses

Punctuation can be hard to get sometimes, and some marks prove trickier than others. These are the four punctuation marks that I routinely come across that either need to be corrected or that spur a discussion.