Show, Don’t Tell

A concept that I struggled with for a good long while was “show, don’t tell.” I just never found a good explanation for what that meant, exactly. But then it finally clicked. So I’m hoping that by writing this post, I can help it click for someone else.

Types of Editing 2.0

Depending on the editor you ask, where said editor works, and how they edit, you might get slightly different answers around the types of editing. To make things simple, I’m going to look at the four types you’re likely to come across in your editing journey.

Celebrating Accomplishments

If you’ve been following me for a while, you’ll know that I’m big on making sure you take care of yourself while you write and edit and work. If you need a break, take it; if you need resources, use them; etc. So I’m coming at you today with yet another important element of the writing, editing, and freelancing journeys: Celebrate your accomplishments.

The Four C’s of Copy Editing

New copy editors take time learning them; seasoned copy editors keep them in mind with every job. But I think it’s good for writers to know what the four c’s are, too. That way, when you send your project off to a copy editor, you have a good sense of what they’re doing. So what are the four c’s?